Sharing is caring!

We are seeking conscientious volunteers with a personable approach who enjoy dealing with the public and have the freedom and time for a long term commitment.

Our wonderful volunteers Rosalyn and Sunny.

Volunteering offers a rewarding experience for those looking to engage in the cultural life of Boroondara and the arts, and we welcome those who may be interested to join the team. Whether looking to gain industry experience or to meet arts-interested audiences, volunteering is a fun way to participate in the cultural life of our area while being surrounded by wonderful and inspiring art.

Volunteers with Town Hall Gallery include students, retirees, artists, locals and those looking to support the arts. Shifts are determined on your own commitments and willingness, with varying degrees of frequency, and allow for standard invigilation of the spaces or assistance
with workshops, openings and events.

To find out more, ask one of our friendly volunteers at the gallery, or contact the gallery via phone orĀ email.