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It’s all hands on deck this week installing four exhibitions across our main gallery spaces and the Community Project Wall.

We will be kicking off 2017 with three complementary exhibitions across our main gallery spaces, as well as our first Community Project Wall exhibition for the year. Featuring work by Emily Floyd, Sarah crowEST, Jenny Zhe Chang, Henry Madin, Alysia Rees, Samantha Semmens and Franky Howell.

14 January – 12 March
Field Libraries – Gallery 2
Shape of the Life World – Gallery 1
Forms of Play – Gallery 3

14 January – 12 February
Hard-edged Geo Candy – Community Project Wall

FLOYD, Emily, Field Libraries, installation view at Anna Schwartz Gallery 2015. © Courtesy of the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery.

Field Libraries features a series of Emily Floyd’s works recently acquired by the Town Hall Gallery. The colourful sculptures double as bookshelves, stacked with an ever-expanding ‘fair use’ library of booklets created by Floyd using excerpts from texts dedicated to eccentric perspectives on the subject of work. Also on show will be a series of screen prints made in collaboration with Negative Press.

REES, Alysia, detail of Configured States (2016), digital type C photographic prints, plaster, acrylic paint and plywood. © Courtesy of the artist.

For Shape of the Life-World artists Alysia Rees and Samantha Semmens configure elements in the world around us as we try to make sense of our experience of these elements. Semmens and Alysia Rees are resident studio artists at Hawthorn Arts Centre. This is their first exhibition at Town Hall Gallery.

SEMMENS, Samantha, detail of View from a Purple Star (2016), porcelain, gplass, LED lights, acrylic paint and plywood. © Courtesy of the artist.

Forms of Play examines the way in which formalism is fundamental to notions of playfulness, interaction and learning. Featuring the work of three artists – Sarah crowEST, Jenny Zhe Chang and Henry Madin – who work with different ideas, materials and processes.

ZHE CHANG, Jenny, Ballet 9 (2017) installation view, wood, acrylic paint, each work 25.5 x 20.5 x 3cm. © Courtesy of the artist.

Working with cut paper assemblages Franky Howell produces dynamic works that are equal part crystalline and biological in form for his exhibition Hard-edged Geo Candy. Intensely coloured, hand cut heavy paper with added inlaid paper comprised of geometric patterns, shapes and forms, with a slightly sculptural element. Up to 15-20 individual assemblages with smaller satellite shapes intersecting between will be exhibited in a vibrant array of colour through the space.

HOWELL, Franky, Hard-edged Geo Candy (2016), installation view. gouache on paper cut assemblages. © Courtesy of the artist.